All of the birthday festivities were a lot of fun last week. Julia was a good sport during all of the photos, visitors, singing, etc. Pictures and details to follow soon!
Last week was a very emotional one for me. Emotions ranged from extreme joy to extreme sadness and everywhere in between. Most of the time I try really hard to live in the present and to appreciate Julia for the tiny miracle that she is, and most of the time I am successful. Last week, though, I had a very difficult time both reliving the events of a year ago and fearing for the future.
I am glad for a new month and a new week and a renewed outlook. I'm glad for holiday parties and ornament exchanges and cookie baking days to look forward to. This week we are back to our "routine" -- sleeping a little, juggling activities, avoiding the cold and rain as much as possible, keeping Julia's doctor and therapist appointments. Our house is beginning to look a little like Christmas. The tree in the front yard is covered in lights and looks beautiful. The Christmas tree inside is up and is mostly decorated. The stockings have been located but not yet hung. It is a very slow process to decorate in between times of Julia needing hands on attention. Also I'm pretty sure I did not personally put away the decorations last year, so I am still trying to locate a few things. It should all be done by December 23 when our guests should begin to arrive. The decorating and shopping (from home of course) are a nice distraction and have helped me to feel more positive. I think I am ready for some Christmas music!
Happy Birthday sweet Julia! We received your beautiful card in the mail and we both sat down to admire it and praise God for the blessing of your child as well as his sustaining hand. We love you all very much.
Cliff & Betty
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